P.I.M.P. The Pedro Invitational Memorial Poker game is a rotating game dedicated to the memory of Pedro*. Our Cuban compatriot knew the value of a good game of poker with friends. More about the beer and jokes and cards then about the money. Which is a downright neccessity when your cigar box is filled with dimes and nickels.

The PIMP nights are steeped in tradition - its tradition that keeps this game going, after all. The three founding PIMP's; Eric, Jerry and Dave each take turn hosting the game at Mozart's Hole, Hangover ParkPlace and the GoldenShower Casino. Held the last Thursday of every month, the poker games are dealer's choice. Ranging from traditional 5-card and 7-card games, like Draw & Stud and of course lots of Hold'em to PIMP-night favorites like "Buy-a-hand", Guts, Iron Cross and the always dreaded "sheets" (you can hear the collective groans already). The first deal is always chosen though a game of dollar bill poker. Win that and you get the deal - and everyone's dollars! We usually toast Pedro too with a shot or 3. Although it sometimes slips past us like an unwanted rusty quarter swallowed on a bet (a legendary PIMP story).

This is the place on the World Wide Web where we reminisce, organize and just plain ole spew out PIMP stuff...like you'd do after drinking a stale old beer, on a bet (another legendary PIMP story). Join us and make your own history...


The P.I.M.P. Store is open!

PIMP yourself out in hats and tees sporting our logo at THE P.I.M.P. Store. Let everyone know, you're a PIMP and proud of it.

Proceeds will go into special poker games and prizes for YOU, so shop it up shoppy.

Check 'Em Out Now


2/26/05 PIMP Tourney at Zuke's

PIMP Profiles

Come...meet da PIMP's
Just a sampling of a few of the (ir)regulars who attend
How does one become a PIMP? Simple. Show up to more then two and you're in! Or, win a PIMP tourney. Wanna submit YOUR PIMP profile? Email Da PIMPs and we'll post ya up for all to see.

PIMP Calender

Last Thursday of every month! (unless noted otherwise)
Email us for details.

Hosting rotation:
Triple E = Mozart's Hole
Jer = Hangover ParkPlace
Zuke = GoldenShower Casino

Date Place Notes
1/19 Mozart's Hole Big 2006 Kickoff!
2/23 Hangover ParkPlace  
3/30 GoldenShower Casino Let us know you're coming!
4/27 Mozart's Hole  
5/25 Hangover ParkPlace  
6/29 GoldenShower Casino  
7/27 Mozart's Hole  
8/31 Hangover ParkPlace  
9/28 GoldenShower Casino  
10/26 Mozart's Hole  
11/23 Happy Thanksgiving!
Special Tourney Date TBD
12/28 Special New Year Edition?  

*NOTE: Pedro is very much alive and well. We don't mean to imply he's dead. He just moved away and can't play poker with us anymore. We hope one day he'll join us for "a very special episode" of the PIMP. The rumors of his demise is a complete fabrication by the tabloids. The other rumors are all true though. Even that one. He'll be happy to confirm that with you. Really.

zortea.us | The ABE | P.I.M.P.

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