
PIMP Profiles

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2nd Place - PIMP Tourney FEB 2005

How'd you get your nickname/what does it mean?:
TripleM...my 3 initals...I'd like something cooler though..like 'Shifty' or 'Mike Chicago'...

Favorite game to deal:
5 card draw, dealer's cards are wild.

Any famous poker players you admire?:
Gus and Daniel for ushering in a new style of poker that I'm trying to grasp. But I think 'Action' Dan Harrington is the player I strive to emulate in tournaments.

You're playing poker, whatcha drinkin'?:
What'cha got? Depends on the game - if it's serious I'm just water and Red Bull. But if it's fun it maybe Blue Moon, Captain and Diet, vodka/Red Bull, Yager Bombs, Jack, Beam, or any and all of the above.

Your best played hand ever, that you can remember:
I've turned 4-6 suited into pocket Aces with my mind. No, really! I can only do that if they're suited though.

Your worst:
First time I play in a live $150 multi. 4th hand in, I'm dealt AA on the button. Hefty raises by me get only one caller to the river. The schmuck stayed in with A-J and rivered an inside straight. Talk about tilt! I swore off poker for about an hour after that.

Who gets your goat at the poker tables? Who would you just love to break at the tables?:
My boy Frank in the CSPT. The guy just throws away $ at pot-limit. However, everytime I go up against him he seems to have the nuts.

Are you anyone's goat that you know of? Anyone you know that YOU get to and if not anyone you'd like to pester?:
He's a great player and I really like the guy, but I know I'm Jimmy's goat. He's been mine too before, but lately it's been a bit lopsided.

Let's hear your "poker resume'"; Place in any tourney's? Played poker in Vegas or at the Rockford games? You up or down in your poker career?:
I actually enjoy cash games more, but my tournament resume looks pretty good lately:

Took 2nd at a GEPPI. 1st place in my WSOP. 1st in the Snoble Invitational. 2nd in the PIMP Special Ed. I may be forgetting some.

Vegas - 1st time playing poker this year there. Started at the Plaza - $60 buyin with a $50 rebuy. Split 5 ways and I didn't have to rebuy. From there, started playing $2-4 limit the next morning. The next day I was playing $500 no limit. Yes, that trip was GOOD.

Play online? Where at?:
Started at UltimateBet and busted out. You can find me switching between Party Poker and Empire Poker...whoever has the bigger bonus. Limit's where the money is at!

Choose your own 'Celebrity Poker Showdown' table of 5 to play with (YOU are the 6th):
Melissa Joan Hart, Mila Jovavich (in her 5th Element outfit), Jennifer Love Hewitt, Lindsay Lohan, and George Carlin (for the comedy.)

Think you'll ever play at the WSOP and since you'll say YES - is that a *goal* or a dream?:
It's a pre-determined destiny.

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