Abe Vigoda Is Still Alive!

...or is he?

The 2006 Abe has begun!


All may enter. Go into the light...all are welcome!

Tasteless? No, brussell sprouts are tasteless... this is just a fun way to laugh off our own mortality. G'head, laugh at death - he's taunting you!

**Its fun. Famous People Die... and you win!**

--> See 2006 Entries Here! <--

2005 Entries

The 2006 ABE is closed for new entries. (they were due Friday the 13th). Here's the rules so you can brush up for next year:

Person with the most points wins the cash. $5 a person for the whole year!!
Ties will split the money.

Simple, huh?

Questions? Just ask. No questions? Then get busy! Make your list of 15 celebs and send em in. I'll get the money from you later.

zortea.us | The ABE | P.I.M.P.